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Wednesday 25 January 2017

The Taking of Deborah Logan (2014)

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'You really gave us all a fright, with your late night gardening'. 

Directed by Adam Robitel 

Starring: Jill Larson, Anne Ramsay, Michelle Ang, Ryan Cutrona

Released: October 21st 2014


Deborah Logan. She is a senior citizen who worked as a switchboard operator, is suffering from Alzheimer's disease, her daughter Sarah has returned home to help her out but she is struggling financially to keep the house. That's where a documentary crew come in consisting of Mia, Gavin and Luis. They are there to document the effects of the disease on Deborah as she worsens.
She has moments of aggression, moments she does not remember at all. She is a threat to herself and other around her, and it has everybody including her neighbour Harris at wits end. They know there is no cure and can only stabilise her as she gets more and more sick. Her skin starts peeling and no-one can explain it.
Is there a way to help her? Is she going to harm herself and others? Is her symptoms really a part of Alzheimer's disease?


This found footage film is truly grotesque and extraordinary. It is a mystery film and there are pieces that need to be put together and the ending is truly a...sight to see really. I have literally just finished watching this and I thought it was pretty good, Not fantastic but yet as so many people know the small scene shown in horror montages everywhere. I want people to know about the origin of that familiar clip as it is a decent movie, and one second out of 90 minutes doesn't do it justice.

Now I give a lot of punches to Paranormal Activity and I keep comparing the two, and that's what I am going to do here; PA is not scary but this film is because you see a frail old woman becoming more and more hostile. You know at any second things can go wrong and it's creepy, the way she stares off into the distance and vanishes in the middle of the night is terrifying.

The film doesn't do anything new but doesn't do anything wrong in particular either. It's got the cliffhanger, the shaky camera, the jump-scares which aren't in fact fake most of the time. It builds to a climax and the imagery in the film makes you feel queasy but horrified at the same time. It's a film you have to see there is a lot going on, rather than 1hr of nothing then everything goes wrong in the last 20 minutes. The Taking of Deborah Logan is a film you have to see to believe.

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