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Thursday 12 May 2016

Silent Hill (2006)


Silent Hill (2006)

'The fire doesn't cleanse it blackens.'

Directed by Christophe Gans

Starring: Radha Mitchell, Sean Bean, Laurie Holden, Kim Coates

Released: April 21st 2006 (Canada) 


Sharon; a young girl sleepwalks, putting herself in harms way and screaming out the words 'Silent Hill' every night, Her mother Rose is at her wits end and decides to take her to Silent Hill, and discovers that the town was burnt down several decades ago.

Upon entering the town a local police officer Cybil follows her closely, suspicious of Rose and the safety of Sharon in her care.  Upon crossing a bridge in the dead of night both characters are then involved in a car crash. When Rose awakens Sharon is gone, and Cybil not far behind. 

Cybil wants to arrest Rose but in anguish she escapes, now Rose must track down her daughter with the police on her trail. On her journey she will come across Alessa, a young girl with striking resemblance to Sharon, and Dahlia a tormented mother wrecked with guilt. Add this to a macabre cult with a dark history involving witches, the sound of sirens then absolute darkness, followed by monsters. The most feared the infamous...Pyramid Head. All the while her husband Christopher attempts to track them both down, going to extreme lengths to find them.

Can Rose find Sharon and save her daughter from the hell they are in? Can Cybil work with Rose? Can Christopher find his wife and child? Or will the cult or even worse the darkness get a hold of them? Anything can happen in Silent Hill.


I absolutely adore this film, it's one of my favourites of all time. The ending is not perfect and is quite ambiguous, if anything the ending is what divides fans and critics alike. The acting is great, the suspense and horror is gloriously shivering and it is a well thought out film.

Unlike most movies based off popular videogames there is a great care and respect to the franchise itself. You can see the care in this film from its aesthetics and plot that bring Silent Hill out the game and onto your TV screens. This is not a cheap cash-in by any standards, the director had to practically beg Konami to make this film for several years and he took great care with the source material.

Of course the sequel came about four years later and threw everything that made the first great out the window. I will not be looking at that film again because I don't blog shit films, it's tedious, unoriginal and depressing. This is Hidden Gems not Shit Films you shouldn't watch. 

If you are a fan of Silent Hill or horror games or any videogames or horror movies at all you have to check this movie out. I promise you won't regret it please add it to your collection it is truly underrated. 


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