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Thursday 28 July 2016

The Hills Run Red (2009)


'Everybody is expendable for the good of the film.'

Directed by Dave Parker

Starring: Sophie Monk, Tad Hilgenbrink, Alex Wyndham, William Sadler

Released Date: September 29th 2009


The Hills Run Red is considered by many to be the scariest film anyone has ever seen,at least according to the plot of this film. The film is so notorious that obsessive horror movie fan Tyler wishes to track down the director of the film Wilson Wyler Concannon (boy that's a mouthful). 

The film itself is a slasher film, a lost treasure that encapsulates the slasher genre of the 1980's. The murderer or 'bad guy' in this slasher is Babyface, a crude figure in a red jacket wearing the face of a doll. 

Tyler begins tracking down Wilson, and discovers his daughter works nearby as a stripper, named Alexa. Upon meeting it is discovered she has a drug habit, he weans her off it without her consent and forces her to help him. Tyler, Alexa, his girlfriend Serena and good friend Lalo venture into the woods to find the origin of this lost film and its director. In a matter of time they soon discover a much darker secret to 'the scariest movie ever made'...


Screaming out onto DVD this slasher erupted out of nowhere in 2009. A time where, Rob Zombie was remaking Halloween 2 in all its gory fashion, Friday the 13th, the Hills Have Eyes and Nightmare on Elm St where coming out and when Paranormal Activity took control of the genre in the mainstream and has continued its washed up gimmick force for the past seven years. 

 Taking a little inspiration from The Blair Witch Project there are several 'interviews' in the beginning of the film where Tyler asks several civilians who watched the movie back when it originally came out. 

If you're a fan of the slasher sub-genre especially from the 80's you should check this movie out. The recipe is there, a fairly simple but more complex story as you get into it based around the deaths of teens, a horrific and rememberable villain, sex, nudity, drugs etc etc.  

The Hills Run Red is not to be discredited it deserves a rental at least, at a pinpoint time in horror movie history with bad remakes and 'found footage' this film is the wheat from the chaff.

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