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Monday 15 August 2016

Black Sheep (2006)


'There are 40 million sheep in New Zealand...and they're pissed off!- Movie Tagline

Directed by Jonathan King 

Starring Nathan Meister, Danielle Mason, Peter Feeney, Tammy Davis

Released 10th September 2006

Box Office $4.9M


Poor Henry Oldfield, a young New Zealand man who lived on a sheep farm. As a child his brother Angus killed his pet sheep. As if this wasn't tormenting enough they are both informed by the housekeeper their father has died in a car incident. A crippling phobia from the two jarring events controls Henry, a phobia of sheep.

Angus is buying Henry's share of the farm fifteen years later, Henry is having a difficult time returning. It doesn't help either his villainous brother has created genetically engineered sheep, that turn them carnivorous. It certainly doesn't add to the situation when two liberal animal activists invade the compound and accidentally spread the infections of a mutant lamb. 

The lamb infection quickly spreads, and it is now up to Henry to save the village and put a stop to the mutant flesh eating horde, and his brother. Can he suck up his phobia and save the day? Or will he crumble under the weight of his own past and die?


This New Zealand film is straight up bonkers, and it is meant to be. It's a black comedy that can make you want to throw up sometimes the sound editing is that crunchy. There's also a few weird implications to bestiality but I'll stop right there. 

There are some good makeup and special effects in this film, similar to Dog Soldiers. The company that worked on The Host also worked on this film, the first time a New Zealand film got investment from a Korean company called Weta Workshop.

The film is vile, stomach churning, bone crunching and might put you off lamb for a little while, it will make you laugh in certain places but don't expect comedy gold it just takes satire at itself throughout the plot. If you haven't seen this gem I recommend it to you zombie fans. You'll love it. Don't be sheepish.

(I tried so hard not to make a pun I am so sorry forgive me.)

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