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Tuesday 28 June 2016

Oculus (2014)


'The purpose of today's experiment, is to prove that the object behind me is responsible for at least forty-five deaths, in the four centuries of its reported existence'. 

Director Mike Flanagan 

Starring: Karen Gillan, Brenton Thwaites, Rory Cochcrane, Katee Sackhoff.

Released: April 11th 2014 

Budget: 5M                              Box Office: 44M


This is a recent film but it is criminal that it is so underrated and unseen by the masses. Oculus follows the story that occurs several years after a horrific homicide. Where the father went on a murderous rampage, murdering the mother in cold blood and in self defence, his son killed him in front of his daughter. 

Fast forward a few years and those children have now grown up. The daughter, Kaylie has met up with her brother Tim after he is discharged from the psychiatric hospital. In this time she has managed to track down an old antique mirror, a mirror which she claims is the reason their parents are dead. 

Determined, Kaylie arms herself in their childhood home with several cameras, lights, etc. Oh and a killswitch to shatter the mirror in case anything goes wrong. 

The mirror is black, is four-hundred years old and has a deliciously gruesome past with it. Specifically death. You follow them on an horrifically dark journey as they fight against the mirror. 


This film will leave you scratching your head, it has a shocking ending and all the while you will need to see this film more than once simply because it makes you think. There are so many factors in this movie it is unbelievable and everything contradicts the facts.

Tim has grown up being told blaming the mirror is in his mind, and he used it as a scapegoat to deal with the trauma, so he's level headed at first. Kaylie however has had no psychiatric help and has been driven to destroy the mirror, and behaves erratically. 

As the film goes on we see different patterns emerging, the film is told using flashbacks both hopping back and forth and even blending together. It is a great tale that must be seen by anyone who says they have a love for horror. Check out this film, do not skip this film for your own sake. 

Also this film is based of a short film from 2005 of the same name. But director Mike Flanagan put it off because of fears it may become a dreaded found footage film. 

For your displeasure I have placed a link below where you can watch the short film if you wish.

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