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Monday 27 June 2016

Cabin Fever 2 (2009)

'It's a skin disease man. It's a skin disease'.

Directed by Ti West

Starring: Rider Strong, Noah Segan, Alexi Wasser, Rusty Kelly

Released: October 24th 2009 (Screamfest Horror Film Festival)


In this sequel to the bizarre gorefest the original was, this time the infection has spread rapidly. Taking place after the first Cabin Fever the disease has spread from the desolate woods into a small town via the water supply, a company has bottled the water and it is now distributed at the local high school. 

It follows a roughly new set of characters aside from the creepy strange policeman from the first film (paarrty man). It contains the usual quirky guy trying to get the girl who's with the unflattering jock boyfriend and that obese friend who somehow manages to score with the popular girl. 

It is a lot more claustrophobic specifically because it is in a school soon locked down by authorities, there's no running through trees from wild dogs and hermits this time, but it does have that style with it.

A strange headmistress, a janitor that does something unforgivable to the punch, jock boyfriend who is a complete... well. And a scene in which uses a prosthetic penis that made me threw up in my mouth. Amputation is involved and diseased breasts. Oh boy, you best not eat before watching this.


I watched this film before I watched the original Cabin Fever. And let me tell you, in terms of making your stomach churn, this is worse. This film is so grotesque I wouldn't be surprised if you felt uncomfortable watching it throughout. The trailer itself might put you off.

However if you are a gore fanatic you will enjoy this crude, ridiculous film. It is in no way a bad film in my opinion but it is not the best. It has the same elements as before, aside from a different crew working on it and just two members of the original cast this film is a good ride for gore seekers. 

I recommend this to anyone who likes the original, or the Human Centipede franchise, oh and zombies. 

If you have any suggestions please feel free to comment below, i would also appreciate if you followed me and shared me. Take care fiends.

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