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Saturday 8 August 2020

Twisted Tales (2014)

 Get ready for terror, with a twist.

Directed and written by; Tom Holland

Starring: William Forsythe (Halloween), Ray Wise (Twin Peaks), Sarah Butler (I Spit On Your Grave), Danielle Harris (Halloween), Angela Bettis (the Toolbox Murders), Noah Hathaway, Amber Benson (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and AJ Bowen (The House of the Devil)

Released: March 18th 2014

Twisted Tales is yet another anthology film. Directed by the mastermind behind Child's Play and Fright Night this flick has the concept that each story ends has a series of twist endings. With a strong cast of those who have been in horror films and TV shows this stands up quite well.

Originally meant to have 13 different stories 4 were cut due to production complications, nonetheless the ones we are left with a good amount of variety to sink our teeth into. 

The production value isn't fantastic in this film, however I would not recommend it if I found no value as a horror fan. The perfect film if you want a casual watch with different tales.

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