What did you think of this film?

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Seed of Chucky (2004)


'Are you proud of me now daddy?!' 

Image result for seed of chucky blu ray

Directed by Don Mancini 

Starring: Jennifer Tilly, Redman, Hannah Spearritt, John Waters

Released November 12th 2004

Budget 12M       Box Office 25M


Poor Glen. Living as an abused  ventriloquist cannot be easy, especially when your real parents are serial killers and you are innocent and kindhearted. But where are Glen's parents? In Hollywood actually, starring in a movie that stars the famous actress Jennifer Tilly. 

Glen (using a voodoo amulet) returns his parents to life and gives poor Chucky a shock to discover he has a son. And even more horror that Glen's lack of any genitalia causes a wedge between him and Tiffany, who wishes for him to be a daughter.

What follows here-on is Glen reuniting and getting to know his parents, wondering why they do what they do and his relationship between him and Tiffany is a very caring one, whereas Chucky is a bit more difficult to...interact with. 

Amidst this lovely family friendly movie plot in the meantime Chucky and Tiffany plan on replacing the bodies of rapper Redman and Jennifer Tilly. Oh and there's a quick cameo where Chucky drives Britney Spears off the road, killing her. 

All this leads to a comedy of twists and turns and even a very emotional though ridiculous scene towards the end, culminating in a satisfying cliffhanger that will leave you wanting more from the franchise. A spectacular comedy and part of the evolutionary chain of Chucky. 


Now some fans horror fans dislike the Child's Play franchise in its entirety, some people think only the original is decent, some people think CP3 and everything after it suck balls. Then some truly hate Bride of Chucky because of its take in direction with the comedy, and then for all those horror fans who have lliked each instalment it continued, but did not finish...with Seed of Chucky.

I myself do not like the original trilogy and opt instead for Bride and Seed, Curse I haven't yet seen. You do not give a flying fuck about my opinions so I'll continue. 

This film was not filmed in Hollywood as the plot would like you to believe, but instead was filmed in Romania on the Castel Soundstages. It is a great show that Alterian Inc (the company owned by Tony Gardner the Effects Designer) showed us. The animatronics and makeup effects are fantastic.

Do not expect a serious film, this one takes more the piss than Bride. If anything it is a self spoof of the franchise that includes pop culture references (including one from the Shining) and cameos from celebrities no-one longer cares about- at least nowadays.

If you love the franchise and Bride of Chucky or indeed comical slashers you have to check this out it is funny and has a great story with it. It may start to grow in you...

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