What did you think of this film?

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Tormented (2009)

'It started out as...a joke'.

Directed by Jon Wright

Starring: Alex Pettyfur, Calvin Dean, Tom Hopper, April Pearson

Released: 22 May 2009

Budget: £700,000          Box Office: £280,000


This BBC film that obviously bombed is a classic take on the revenge slasher. This time the premise is a social look at bullying, suicide and teenage social pressures. It is about an unpopular, overweight pupil named Darren Mullet, who by the time this film begins as already taken his own life.

He took his own life due to the extreme bullying he recieved from a certain group of people as well as the attitude and social neglect of the other students. And now he's come back back from the dead to take them out. One by one. 

This is an incredibly sad tale and as a slasher you really are on his side despite him barely speaking let alone not much screen time throughout. Each murder seems like a victory and it drives you as you hope he completes his conquest and receives the results of his bloodcurdling campaign.


This film coincidentally came out on my 14th birthday, and at that time in my life I really identified with Mullet. This film is not a perfect film granted, but it's a fun film to watch if you want a cheap laugh, gory kills and a heart rendering side to it as well. It might take yourself back to a time where exploring sexuality, parties and other activities where your thing, or keeping your head down in the corridors. 

If you love slasher movies or quirky Brit films or anything to do with what this film is giving you I urge you to check it out. Watch it just the once and you will be amazed at this sad black comedy horror film. (Phew that was a mouthful).

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