What did you think of this film?

Wednesday 18 May 2016


Do you have a scary movie you enjoy? Do you know of an underrated classic that has gone unnoticed? Would you like myself to view the film you blissfully enjoy... or absolutely hate, and give it an honest opinion? Drop me an E-mail at 


From an incredibly young age I have always been drawn to horror, anything that could scare me gave and still does give me an adrenaline rush. I watched that 1996 remake of Psycho as a small child, and despite my mothers desperate attempts to shield my eyes I always managed to take a sneak peek at the TV screen. From then on being only a small child around Seven years of age I was awake too early in the morning with youth. I'd watch TV whilst my parents slept and came across marvels such as horror classics and psychologically scarring thrillers as well as the odd zombie movie. 

   I read the Goosebump novels in my pre-teen years and watched the show. Fast forward to Fourteen and I'm sitting in my living room at 2am watching horror films. If something looked good I watched it every weekend, I'd go to the local second hand DVD and game shop in my town and pick up a couple of games and of course, a horror movie. I got to a point around 15-16 where I was recording several horror films and watching an insane amount of them. Since then I have toned down quite a bit when it comes to horror now I am a Twenty-One year old adult. But it's a part of me I want to go back to because I love horror so much.

Also in case of any wondering my favourite horror game is 'The suffering' and I do enjoy listening to Misfits as well as other horror-punk bands. 

So if you would like a review or hell even just a discussion send me an E-mail. 3:)

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