What did you think of this film?

Saturday 8 August 2020

Twisted Tales (2014)

 Get ready for terror, with a twist.

Directed and written by; Tom Holland

Starring: William Forsythe (Halloween), Ray Wise (Twin Peaks), Sarah Butler (I Spit On Your Grave), Danielle Harris (Halloween), Angela Bettis (the Toolbox Murders), Noah Hathaway, Amber Benson (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and AJ Bowen (The House of the Devil)

Released: March 18th 2014

Twisted Tales is yet another anthology film. Directed by the mastermind behind Child's Play and Fright Night this flick has the concept that each story ends has a series of twist endings. With a strong cast of those who have been in horror films and TV shows this stands up quite well.

Originally meant to have 13 different stories 4 were cut due to production complications, nonetheless the ones we are left with a good amount of variety to sink our teeth into. 

The production value isn't fantastic in this film, however I would not recommend it if I found no value as a horror fan. The perfect film if you want a casual watch with different tales.

The Field Guide To Evil (2018)

Eight tales of Dark Folklore

Directors; Peter Strickland, Ashim Ahluwalia, Can Evrenol, Severin Fiala Veronika Franz, katrin Gebbe, Agnieszka Smocyznska, Calvin Reeder and Yannis Veslemes

Starring;  Birgit Minichmayr, Claude Duhamel, Jilon VanOver, Fatma Mohamed and Niharika Singh

Released; 11th March 2018 (US)

From the minds that gave you the ABC's of Death and based on folklore from around the globe A Field Guide To Evil does not hold your hand. This anthology is perfect for those who enjoy folklore they may not have stumbled across before, each story having a different director which adds a lot of variety to this horror flick.

The costumes and makeup design in this are terrifying, the tone can either be atmospheric or downright bizarre, sometimes both. T his is the kind of flick where you want some variety, you will end up wondering what you are even watching during some moments. 

Is it the best horror anthology ever created? No. But the concept of it and the execution for me makes its mark as a Horrors Hidden Gem.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Creepshow 2 (1987)

'Thanks for the ride lady!' 

Directed by Michael Gornick

Starring Lois Chiles, George Kennedy, Dorothy Lamour and Tom Savini

Released May 1st 1987

Budget: 3.5M   Box Office: 14M

Five years after the original this sequel appeared and once again scared audiences with it's quirky comic book style and over the top characters. This time we are presented with just three stories instead of five.

The now politically incorrect Chief Wooden Head, a tale of robbery and dishonour, ending in violent bloodshed.

The Raft. As if teenage kicks weren't scary enough there is killer goo in the isolated lake.

Lastly we have The Hitchhiker, when your mistakes just don't die...literally.

Glue it together with a tale of Billy and his Creepshow comic and Venus Flytrap and you have a fantastic quirky film.

Whether this film is meant for kids with the animation or for adults for the obvious violence isn't the issue here on the target audience, the issue is why is Billy reading a comic that contains fornication is what troubles me more.

There was originally supposed to be five stories in Creepshow 2. Pinfall was going to be a vengeful tale set in a bowling alley with $5 million dollars at stake. The other story Cat From Hell didn't make the final cut, however it was used in Tales From the Darkside: The Movie. 

When filming The Raft One of the actors, Danny Beer nearly died from hypothermia due to the cold temperature of the water, he fully recovered.

Creepshow 2 came out with negative and lukewarm reviews. However the critics are usually wrong. If you enjoyed the original you might enjoy the sequel.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

After Dusk They Come/ The Tribe/ The Forgotten Ones (2009)

'They hunt in packs.'

Directed by Jorg Ihle

Starring: Jewel Staite, Justin Baldoni, Marc Bacher and Nikki Griffin

Released June 10th 2009

Budget: 20M

In this film a few stereotypical friends end up being shipwrecked on the beach of a small unknown island. Their radio is broken and all they can do it sit and wait for a (hopeful) potential rescue. 

But unfortunately for them they are not alone, as sub-Human creatures begin to stalk them, track them down and murder them. With only the diary of a long forgotten 19th century survivor they must overcome the odds.

This is a very vague film, but that doesn't mean it is not enjoyable. After completing this film the production crew didn't like it, and decided to create and release the film 'The Lost Tribe' with only Marc Bacher from the original set to star in it.

If you enjoy the Wrong Turn franchise this movie is for you. It has good costumes and gore with it, great for any bloodthirsty Minister of Spooks.

Case 39 (2009)

'They're going to send me to Hell.' 

Directed by Christian Alvart

Starring Ren'ee Zellweger, Jodelle Ferland, Ian McShane and Bradley Cooper

Released October 10th 2010 (US)

Budget: 26M   Box Office: 28M

Emily is a social worker and is led to believe that Lilith Sullivan, a ten-year old child is being abused by her parents. Her fears are confirmed when Lilith is placed in the oven by her parents in an attempt to kill her. Following this ordeal Emily fosters Lilith.

Lilith seems to be settling in just fine until a phone call to a young boy, prior to murdering his parents raises concern. Then a co-worker of Emily kills himself. Strange occurrences regarding Lilith begin, and Emily realises that this little girl is no ordinary child. 

Case 39 is one of those movies that has a basic plot but at the same time you can't explain it in detail because of spoilers. It is a superb movie and very enjoyable. Our Bridget Jones does a great job in this film, you really feel her care for this child and the fear Lilith brings to her later on.

There is an alternate ending to this film and personally I would prefer it compared to the chosen cut, then again I found the ending satisfying nonetheless. Case 39 was stuck in a development hell as production began in 2006 and kept getting released dates pushed back in multiple countries.

The film was reviewed negatively, however this film is enjoyable. Don't expect the next Dread or Oculus and just enjoy the ride, Case closed.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

The Unborn (2009)

'Evil will do anything to live' - Movie Tagline

Directed by David S. Goyer

Starring Odette Yustman, Gary Oldman, Meagon Good and Cam Gigandet.

Released January 9th 2009

Budget: 16M   Box Office: 76M

Casey is being followed and haunted by a strange, cold child. She suffers nightmarish visions about him but does not know why he is invading her dreams. As time goes on strange occurrences begin to emerge, leading her to find the truth.

Whilst in the womb her unknown twin unexpectedly died by suffocation from Casey's umbilical cord. She then believes her twin is possessed, and is trying to find access into the land of the living.

With help Casey attempts to stop this demon being born and continuing its darkness...

Suffering from negative reviews from critics this film is not exactly a hidden gem but more of a forgotten gem. Any fresh horror fan should watch this film it is perfect for casual fans who don't want to venture too deep into the horror library.

Similar to The Devil's Backbone, The Unborn is a supernatural film with plenty of cliches and scares. If you are looking for a casual supernatural horror film or a scary film you and your friends can shriek at The Unborn is perfect for you.

Stay Horrific!

Sunday 26 March 2017

Dread (2009)

'What is your strongest memory of feeling fear?'

Directed by Anthony DiBlasi

Starring Jackson Rathbone, Shaun Evans, Paloma Faith and Laura Donnelly 

Released 30th August 2009

Dread is a fantastic uncomfortable film, and the ending is both sickening and satisfactory. Another Clive Barker film this movie is psychological, but has the gore to keep you interested. It doesn't drag on with the details so much and gives you plenty of horror moments to keep you watching.

When Quaid was a child his parents were murdered by a guy with an axe. As you might expect this caused him some severe psychological damage. Seeing as how the homicides are his greatest fear he wishes to discover the fear of other for a school project, or so it seems...

With help from Stephen, another student who regrets how his brother died in a car accident and Cheryl, who was molested as a child and thus cannot eat meat due to her abusive father working in a meat factory.

Quaid then begins interviewing several people about their fears, and in turn begins to bring their fears to life...

As the movie progresses you really see Quaid become more and more unhinged, it seems like he takes a lot of enjoyment n the project and in turn the suffering he produces. 

Dread was released to mixed reviews but honestly if you like Midnight Meat Train, psychological horror and feeling uneasy Dread is the film for you.
It might make you feel a little sick to your stomach...steak anyone?

Thursday 9 March 2017

Scarecrow (1988)

'I fired at the thing, and it just kept coming, bullets don't stop it!'

Directed by William Wesley

Starring: Ted Vernon, Richard Vidan, Kristina Sanborn and Victoria Christian

Released: 28th September 1988

Budget: $425,000

In Scarecrow five bank robbers are trying to escape law enforcement. How? By taking hostage a pilot and his daughter and forcing them to fly South. One of the robbers decides to parachute unexpectedly out of the plane taking the loot with him. His assailants don't take kindly to this and stop the plane.

In the dead of night the lone fugitive searches for his loot and plans to escape. All the while the others taunt him over the radio on what they're gonna do if they get their hands on him. As bad as these seems there is a strange farmhouse surrounded by unsettling scarecrows nearby.

Unsettling turns to cold dread when the scarecrows, cursed and bound to their fates for eternity by the demonic house, begin murdering the trespassers. Now the crew must make it back to the plane before they become victims to the Scarecrows.

This film isn't the best. I'm going to be blunt with you right now. However it is highly enjoyable, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a good scarecrow movie. This film has the usual over-the-top gore you would expect from the time.
Low budget yet satisfying to watch. 

Seeing the differently conflicted characters work together to overcome this threat adds a bit of filling to an already simple plot. Filmed in Florida and the cinematography done by the same person who did Hellraiser and Evil Dead 2 Peter Deming. It was first released on VHS, the on DVD in 2007 then Blu-Ray in 2015.

This is one of those films not many people have seen, yet would tell you to watch if you were given the chance. Go watch it.

Stay Horrific!

Tuesday 21 February 2017

House of Wax (2005)

'you're saying that's a real person...underneath?'

Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra

Starring: Elisha Cuthbert, Chad Michael Murray, Paris Hilton and Brian Van Holt

Released: 6th May 2005 (U.S.)

Budget: $40M   Box Office: $70M

A remake of the 1953 House of Wax starring Vincent Price, this film isn't something you should compare to the old, as they both have different styles and this version is modernised. Also it would be unfair as Paris Hilton doesn't hold a candle (get it) to Vincent Price. Rather, this is the same identical story just retold in different styles. Perfection. From now on there will be no comparing of the two nor will there be sentences such as 'in this version...'. This is merely a strict look at House of Wax 2005 as an individual film. Let's dive in...

A group of teens are on their way to Louisiana to see a football game. They set up camp and find themselves being harassed by an anonymous individual in a van. After smashing one of the headlihts the mysterious driver disappears, however one of them discovers their fan belt is broken. A local gives two of them, Carly and Wade a trip to Ambrose.

Upon entering the town they incidentally interrupt a funeral, a mechanic named Bo (not body odour) agrees to help but after the funeral. During this time Carly and Wade decide to search the House of Wax museum, and find that this sleepy little ghost town...is a lot more sickening than it seems...
Paris Hilton doesn't do a bad job...considering the role is 'slasher bimbo' she acts the role well. This film was going to be called Wax House until Warner Bro's discovered the had permission to use the rights. 

There was a lawsuit shortly after the film was released regarding a fire that occurred on set and how proper health and safety was not followed. Where the fire broke out there now stands a field to be used for future productions.

Is House of Wax the best movie you will ever see? No. If you like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Hills Run Red or any film with a crazed killer with weird friends and family killing teens in rural communities this is a film you need to see. 

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Goodnight Mommy (2014)

She's so different'

Directed by Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala

Starring: Susanne Wuest, Elias Schwarz, Luka Schwarz

Released: 30th August 2014 (Venice)

Box Office: $2.2M